PERA is one of the most influential groups of its kind in Bath, with a track record of achieving results where individuals acting alone can struggle to be heard. PERA is a community and social group and is not affiliated to any political party or business. Local authorities, policy makers, public servants and other decision makers listen to our association because it speaks for over 500 residents in a concentrated geographic area.

PERA is also a member of FOBRA, Federation of Bath Residents’ Associations, working together for the good of the city of Bath. Representatives from FOBRA regularly meet with Council Leaders, elected members, officers and the Police to speak on behalf of the local residents. In addition, they represent Bath at the National Organisation of Residents’ Associations.

PERA is managed by an elected committee. View the current committee and their responsibilities.

We keep in contact with its members through regular socials and newsletters, and the latest news items on this website.

Finally, If you are not currently a PERA member and want to find out more, or you are one and want to get more involved, please contact one of our committee members.

The map below shows the areas and streets covered within PERA’s remit.